Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My Mistake and Trump

It's 6:30 am and I'm sitting at Dunkin Donuts. If I don't move there is no pain, but the itch is still there even after applying the treatment 3 hours ago.

For months I've been careful to take care of myself so I could avoid getting sick or hurt in any way. Now I realize I dropped the ball, and it was such an obvious mistake I'm disappointed at myself. I kept my feet clean, but failed to keep them dry. I wouldn't take my sneakers off for days. Partially because I feared that if I went to sleep without sneakers someone may steal them (common concurrence among homeless). On the other side being barefoot or with flip flops does not make me look employable.

The pain I feel was earned, I know it now. A lesson which I will try hard to remember in the future.

Talking about the future, now that Trump has won and the Republicans seem to have won the senate and house... I fear for the future. The rich has only looked out for their own interest and those who they may consider their equals (or potential business partners). The 1% didn't get to be powerful by sharing the wealth and power with the 99%.

I don't like talking politics. All politicians lie in one way or another to get elected or keep their position. I hope Trump lied about all the horrible things he said he would do. To deport millions of hard working immigrants, to see women as objects and to be so obviously willing to abuse the power of his office... it's unbecoming of a US President.

Yet, the country made the choice. So now we're all stuck with a manipulative billionaire with the ego the size of the moon.

God help us.

May you walk in the light of God.



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