Tuesday, November 8, 2016

I'm not an Athlete yet... Athlete's Foot?

It is 6 am, I woke up about half an hour ago and the first thing I did was check my feet. They got worse. Looks like there may be something white developing in the center of the spots, maybe pus. I went to Dunkin Donuts and thanks to their wifi I immediately began my research online as to what could be going on with my feet.

I've had corns, calluses and athlete's foot in my life but the way my feet are looking and feeling is different. Then I read the following regarding athlete's foot at this health site:

A fungal infection that can cause peeling, redness, itching, burning, and sometimes blisters and sores, athlete's foot is mildly contagious, passed by direct contact, or by walking barefoot in areas such as spas, locker rooms, and pools. The fungi then grow in damp, moist areas such as in shoes, especially ones without air circulation. Treatment of athlete's foot includes topical antifungal lotions or oral medications for more severe cases. It may be possible to prevent athlete's foot by alternating two to three different pairs of shoes to let them air out for a couple of days, as well as wearing breathable socks and shoes.

When I had athlete's foot in the past it only showed up as peeling skin, not blisters and sores which I believe is what may be happening to me.

I'll go to the nearest Walgreens and ask at their pharmacy for some advice because I could still be wrong about this. The pain has increased and it's hard for me to walk. It's as if I had small pebbles in my shoes.

I must overcome this as quick as possible with the proper treatment, I have to work Wednesday. I'm worried to miss the chance to make a little money that could make a big difference if I can't find work for a while.

I've asked God for help. Still, there is always a reason things happen, maybe I'm meant to be in pain. God works in mysterious ways.

I'll post again later today.

May you walk in the light of God.



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