Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Sofa Heaven and Vulcan Salute

She picked me up in the morning, bought me a croissant with sausage, egg and cheese while we were at Dunkin Donuts even after I told her I wasn't hungry. My ex is stubborn like a mule. The drive to her house was more lively than last time. I'm more comfortable with her since last time.

She tried to figure out a way for me to live with them, of course things are tight with the current economy. I had to put my foot down, asking her not to bring it up again to her family. Surprisingly, she took it well.

Her family welcomed me with open arms, her husband was at work still. I was able to take a long hot shower. It took me a while to shave. I only got disposable razors and I had a scruffy beard. She doesn't like me having a beard, and it annoyed her that I had missed 3 hairs on my face.

I have to admit, I liked annoying her a bit. She is a bit OCD and half jokingly said that she would shave the hairs while I slept. She is stubborn enough to do it, so I may let her do it. I do feel bad that she is in so much pain and there is nothing I can do for her. She tells me that she feels bad because I'm living on the streets. So we each feel bad for each other. She told me that she cares for me, and I can see that she does.

Yet my logic kicks in. Not seeing each other for 15 years after we ended our relationship on a bad note... it did give me pause, made it hard for me to trust her. Even though it was mostly my fault how things ended between us. She has moved on and I've also moved on emotionally. I can't see myself as anything other than a friend with her.

We went shopping for a few things that were needed for Thanksgiving. Just a few small things, when I tried to pay for it she stood her ground telling me I was not allowed to do that. So I threw in a 2-pack of Twix expecting her to send it straight to my face. She didn't. Back in the day she used to throw things at my head for no reason. Not light things mind you, but solid enough to send me to the hospital if I didn't duck.

15 years has mellowed her a bit, thank God. I finished the 1st season of Mr. Robot and it is a very good show, as a geek/nerd I give it a Vulcan salute.

The sofa here is heaven, she had it ready with 2 pillows and 2 comforters. I'll be checking 2 laptops for her stepmother, who is a lovely lady whose kindness reminds me of my grandmother.

We had some fun with Facebook Messenger while we were practically 6 feet away from each other. Me on the sofa and my ex on her recliner. We can be silly that way sometimes, I like it.

She tells me things in confidence, and it makes me more at ease. I trust her more. I wish I was in a position to help her. I have a friend, and she really loves me.

It's been a great day.

May you walk in the light of God.



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